Wednesday, 29 January 2014

A new blog

With all the many methods of communication available to us these days it's hardly surprising that my family each prefer different ways. Some family members are 'phone people', others prefer email, others facebook or twitter and some prefer simply to catch up in person whenever the opportunity presents itself. What I've found in the last couple of years is that the preferred type of communication has determined which aspects of our lives our family are familiar with.

The aim of this blog is not to provide another photo diary, as all my other blogs that have fizzled out have done, but to highlight aspects of our lives that we would like to share with people, whether they are things that are happening or simply our thoughts on different subjects.

I assume that it's normal for a person to undergo a period of significant change whilst in their teens or possibly when leaving home for the first time. I'm not sure if it's as normal for it to happen when you're in your early thirties, but Ian and I are both evaluating our opinions on a great deal of things at the moment. The changes in our beliefs and interests have been quite rapid and sometimes I feel that family members do not really know us. That is something that I would like to change with this blog.


  1. I've already read three of your articles (working backwards as usual!) and have drawn some consolation from the fact that at least I know you reasonably well.
    I think significant change is a thing that happens at all sorts of stages in a person's life and it is not necessarily the same for each of us. It's fortunate that you and Ian think so similarly on a number of major topics and that you both feel like change at the same time.
    I hope you'll excuse me if I occasionally pinch one of your topics and blog about my own thoughts on the subject - treasured possessions and de-cluttering come to mind as things currently on my list.

    1. Thank you. I agree that you do indeed know us pretty well. I think that's a combination of how much time we spend together in person and the fact that you're the type of person willing to take people as they are and therefore easy to talk to about changes in beliefs and opinions.

  2. Hi Helen

    Dont know if this will work or whether I have to join first but having just read your blog wanted to leave a comment. I really like the idea behind this blog and as you say it is a lovely way of people getting to know you, especially as you say you are both undergoing changes which otherwise may go unnoticed. I admire the fact that you both have the discipline and determination to follow your beliefs. You 'walk the talk' whilst many others (and I include myself here) simply 'talk the walk'. Ah well, I have come away inspired, more decluttering on the way I think.

    1. Thanks very much Jo. You too are an inspiration - quitting smoking after such a long time must have been far more difficult than us giving up meat or dairy.

      Good luck with the decluttering, xx

  3. It's interesting that you think of change in terms of age periods or groups. I think as one gets older (from teenage years onwards) one either gets set in one's ways or adapts to change or instigates change in one's life more often than many people recognise. I see friends and acquaintances who have become more and more entrenched in their beliefs and practices over the decades. I see others who have reached points in their lives which have become epiphany-stones (cf mile-stones) on a periodic, if not frequent, basis. The epiphany might be in relation to eating, drinking, smoking, career or religion or some other belief or, indeed, a desire to de-clutter which seems to come as people get older and just don't want so much 'stuff'. I know that I don't see you very frequently but I think that I've seen you both in your own environment and, last year, in mine to get a reasonable idea of your views, life-style aspirations and so on. I shall be interested to see how near to my views your life really is. The fact that you actually have the resolve to carry your beliefs and aspirations through is what singles you out from the great majority. I wish you success and look forward to your future.

    1. It's interesting that you see two types of people - those that reach those regular epiphany moments and those that become more and more entrenched in their practices. I see you as one of the former, but many other family members seem to fall more into the second group. It's those people that I feel don't know or understand us as well as we'd like (and unfortunately who are least likely to read the blog). Of course it could be that they themselves are undergoing huge changes, but a lack of communication means that we remain unaware.
